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Recent Updates in Germany

Recent Repeater Updates in Germany (180 Days)

72 repeaters found in Germany updated in the last 180 days.

This page lists all the recent updates of repeaters. Some repeaters will be displayed multiple times if they have been updated more than once in the past 180 days.

= On-Air      = Off-Air      = Testing/Reduced      = Unknown

Click on the frequency for additional details.
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Frequency Tone Up / Down Location County Call Modes Updated Operational status
438.96250 71.9 Bad Kohlgrub DM0WW FM 05-30-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin. Uplink tone change.
438.28750 Kirchheim/Teck DB0TEK Fusion WIRES-X 05-30-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DL8JO: Connection to DB0TEK-RPT (#76464) via Wires-X or PDN requires connection to corresponding room DL_DB0TEK (#86464). Attempts to connect directly will yield a busy signal.
145.67500 71.9 Bayerisch Eisenstein DB0ARB FM 05-28-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
439.22500 CC1 71.9 / 71.9 Bayerisch Eisenstein DB0ARB FM DMR DSTAR 05-28-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
145.28750 141.3 Varel DB0XIV FM EchoLink 05-26-2024 OFF-AIR
Updated by Admin.
439.80000 CC1 Bochum DB0WTS DMR DSTAR 05-20-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by DL5DAA: DB0WTS is down for several months. Der Testbetrieb des MMDVM-Relais DB0WTS ist vorerst beendet
438.45000 71.9 / 71.9 Voelklingen DB0VKN FM 05-18-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
439.46250 CC1 Salzgitter DO0SZ DMR 05-17-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by DO1JAR: Off-Air
439.23750 Hannover DB0TVH FM 05-15-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin. Uplink tone change.
431.90000 123.0 Burgkirchen DB0RKS FM 05-15-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DK1MSU: Uplink Tone: 123.0
145.33750 Hamburg DO0HHL FM EchoLink 05-14-2024 OFF-AIR
Updated by Admin. Operational status change.
439.85000 CC1 Kulmbach DB0KUB DMR 05-13-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin. Latitide change.
439.01250 1750 Uetersen DB0HHW FM EchoLink 05-13-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by DL8HAV: off air, Operator DL2LAY silent key. Repeater rebuilt.
438.52500 67.0 / 67.0 Hombergshausen DB0MEG FM Fusion 04-30-2024 ON-AIR
Update by OE7BSH: locator JO41RB
145.58750 67.0 / 67.0 Hombergshausen DB0MEG FM Fusion 04-30-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DL8FBP: new qth, locator
439.51250 123.0 / 123.0 Lauta DB0NLS FM EchoLink 04-24-2024 ON-AIR
Update by , DL1RKW: new qrg
439.30000 Muehlhausen DO0BKP FM 04-24-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DM3JK: Added.
438.27500 Muehlhausen DO0BKP Fusion 04-24-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DM3JK: Added.
439.95000 Wolfenbuettel DB0ANT FM 04-24-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin. Latitide change.
438.81250 Freising DB0TC FM 04-24-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin. Latitide change.
430.05000 Buehl/Baden DB0BHE FM EchoLink 04-22-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
145.23750 127.3 Karben DM0ZAV FM EchoLink 04-20-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DO1ATH: On-Air
438.85000 123.0 Kassel DB0TM FM Fusion 04-12-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DG7FG : Downlink Tone: 123.0
438.88750 67.0 / 67.0 Gross-Gerau DM0GG FM 03-31-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DC0SK: ctcss/tsq 67, coverage 50km
439.00000 Buchen (Odenwald) DB0BCH FM Fusion WIRES-X 03-29-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
439.40000 67.0 Hanau DB0CT FM Fusion WIRES-X 03-29-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
438.66250 CC1 Buchen (Odenwald) DB0BCH DMR 03-29-2024 Testing/Reduced
Updated by Admin.
439.45000 CC1 Deggendorf DB0SL DMR DSTAR 03-25-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DJ0ABR: already in database, added dmr/m17
145.77500 1750 Kahlheid DB0UT FM 03-24-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DK9GF: Uplink Tone: 1750
438.30000 Moenchweiler DB0VS Fusion 03-23-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DG7GAH: Added.
439.18750 Marburg DB0MRL FM EchoLink 03-22-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DG9FDM: Added.
439.27500 Muenchen DB0EL FM EchoLink 03-21-2024 OFF-AIR
Updated by Admin. Operational status change.
439.80000 CC1 Muenchen DB0TVM DMR 03-21-2024 OFF-AIR
Updated by Admin. Operational status change.
439.57500 Muenchen DB0TVM DSTAR 03-21-2024 OFF-AIR
Updated by Admin. Operational status change.
439.83750 CC1 Moenchweiler DB0VS DMR 03-18-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
434.77500 Reutlingen DO0RT DSTAR 03-18-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin. Uplink frequency change.
144.85000 Groemitz DM0HAT DSTAR 03-16-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
439.97500 CC1 Baunatal AFZ DB0AFZ DARC DMR 03-16-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DO8KE: On-Air
439.52500 Hoher Meissner DB0HRM DSTAR 03-16-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DO8KE: On-Air
438.22500 Huerth DO0ATR 03-10-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DJ7LC: on air
438.43750 123.0 / 123.0 Loewenstein DB0LBY FM 03-08-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DL9SK : ctcss/tsq, sponsor, website, bw, 5 watt
430.05000 Rodenbach DB0FAT FM EchoLink 03-08-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by DD9UN: off air, maybe moved
438.41250 CC1 88.5 / 88.5 Luebeck DM0HL FM DMR 02-29-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DH9BV : ctcss/pl 88,5 - fm too
438.80000 Schneeberg DB0ZB FM 02-23-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
439.26250 CC1 NAC 293 123.0 / 123.0 Hessisch Lichtenau DB0XP FM DMR DSTAR EchoLink P-25 Fusion 02-23-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DL7XP: Uplink/downlink Tone: 123.0, echolink, m17
438.31250 Naumburg/Saale DB0NMB Fusion WIRES-X 02-13-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by DG7THT: off air
439.36250 Geithain DB0LLA FM 02-05-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DO1WI: Added. No operating mode was selected. FM has been selected be default. Please check long/lat
145.78750 123.0 Sachsenheim DB0GK FM 02-02-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DL9SK: Added.
145.28750 Rotenburg DB0RTN FM EchoLink 01-27-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DF2HB: On-Air
439.05000 Berlin DB0SX FM 01-25-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DL7AUB: On-Air
145.61250 94.8 / 94.8 Bayreuth DB0BT FM EchoLink 01-20-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
438.62500 67.0 Kleiner Feldberg DF0MOT FM 01-20-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DD1XX: Kleiner Feldberg - long/lat are correct?
438.85000 1750 Wesel DB0WES FM EchoLink 01-19-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DJ1NL: On-Air
145.76250 Berlin DB0WF FM 01-18-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
144.82500 CC0 Herten DB0HE DMR DSTAR Fusion 01-18-2024 OFF-AIR
Updated by Admin.
145.58750 100.0 Ringe DB0NGR FM 01-15-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DC2WT: on air
434.76250 Bremerhaven DB0FTN 01-14-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
1298.70000 Bestwig Wasserfall DB0FUN FM 01-08-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by OE7BSH: off air, fire at site...
439.15000 CC1 123.0 / 123.0 Bitburg DB0FWM FM DMR 01-08-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DL7GT : Site is changed . Same Site as DB0DRB now . And it make Mixed Mode (FM and DMR Brandmeister )
144.95000 Wald-Michelbach DL7SP FM EchoLink 01-08-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by DL7APO: Off-Air
439.33750 1750 Bestwig Wasserfall DB0FUN FM 01-08-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by OE7BSH: off air, fire at site...
29.69000 Bestwig Wasserfall DB0FUN FM 01-08-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by OE7BSH: Off-Air
439.33750 1750 Verden DB0NN FM 01-07-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by OE7BSH: Off-Air
145.73750 CSQ Verden DB0NN FM 01-07-2024 OFF-AIR
Update by OE7BSH: Off-Air
145.65000 67.0 / 67.0 Essen DB0WE FM Fusion 01-06-2024 ON-AIR
Updated by Admin.
1298.27500 1750 Leipzig DB0FLW FM 01-01-2024 ON-AIR
Update by DL1FLW: Added.
439.40000 Oelde DB0OE FM 12-27-2023 Testing/Reduced
Update by DO7ISA: Added.
145.33750 Dortmund DM0ZA FM EchoLink 12-23-2023 ON-AIR
Update by DL1GP: On-Air
439.40000 Nauen DB0NAU FM EchoLink 12-22-2023 ON-AIR
Update by DD6CN: on air again
438.63750 123.0 Loeningen DB0LOL FM EchoLink 12-17-2023 ON-AIR
Update by DL1LOL: Added.
438.37500 CC1 NAC 923 RAN Roeddensen DB0ROE FM DMR DSTAR NXDN P-25 12-17-2023 ON-AIR
Update by DL9CMA: D-star added. D-star type changed to Repeater. P25 added.
438.52500 88.5 Boellstein DB0BOS FM 12-10-2023 ON-AIR
Update by DD4FL: On-Air

The Repeaterbook administrator(s) for Germany: OE7BSH

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