(1 of 6) ...The National Weather Service in Jackson MS has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Mississippi... Tallahala Creek At Laurel affecting Jones County. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Tallahala Creek at Laurel. * WHEN...From late Sunday night until further notice. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:30 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 7.3 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage early Monday morning and continue rising to a crest of 15.0 feet early Tuesday afternoon. - Flood stage is 13.0 feet. (2 of 6) ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Pearl River Near Monticello affecting Lawrence County. Pearl River Near Rockport affecting Copiah and Simpson Counties. ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Mississippi... Strong River At D'lo affecting Simpson County. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Pearl River near Rockport. * WHEN...Until Monday evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:30 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 27.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 27.5 feet this evening. - Flood stage is 25.0 feet. (3 of 6) ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Pearl River Near Monticello affecting Lawrence County. Pearl River Near Rockport affecting Copiah and Simpson Counties. ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Mississippi... Strong River At D'lo affecting Simpson County. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Strong River at D'lo. * WHEN...Until late Tuesday morning. * IMPACTS...At 28.0 feet, Tent camping area of the Dlo Water Park is completely inundated. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:45 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 28.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 28.5 feet this evening. - Flood stage is 25.0 feet. (4 of 6) ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Pearl River Near Monticello affecting Lawrence County. Pearl River Near Rockport affecting Copiah and Simpson Counties. ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Mississippi... Strong River At D'lo affecting Simpson County. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Pearl River near Monticello. * WHEN...Until late Tuesday morning. * IMPACTS...At 24.0 feet, Water appears in low areas in the extreme eastern portion of the city of Monticello. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:15 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 20.3 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late this afternoon to a crest of 24.0 feet early tomorrow afternoon. - Flood stage is 22.0 feet. (5 of 6) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following river in Mississippi... Chickasawhay At Leakesville affecting George and Greene Counties. For the Chickasawhay River...including Waynesboro, Leakesville... Minor flooding is forecast. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued when updates occur. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Chickasawhay at Leakesville. * WHEN...From Sunday morning until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 20.0 feet, flooding of lowlands will occur. At 22.0 feet, flooding of lowlands continues and some roads in low lying areas become cut off by high water. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:15 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 15.5 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage tomorrow morning and continue rising to a crest of 23.0 feet Tuesday evening. - Flood stage is 20.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (6 of 6) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following river in Mississippi... Leaf Near Mclain affecting Perry, George and Greene Counties. For the Leaf River...including Mclain, New Augusta...Minor flooding is forecast. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued when updates occur. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Leaf near Mclain. * WHEN...From Monday morning until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 18.0 feet, considerable flooding of agricultural and lowlands near the river. At 24.0 feet, some county roads in the area will become flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:15 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 13.8 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage Monday morning and continue rising to a crest of 20.0 feet Tuesday evening. - Flood stage is 18.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood
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